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Microbiome Therapeutics (LBP) Company of South Korea
  • Microbiome Therapeutics (LBP) Company of South Korea

    Microbiome Therapeutics (LBP) Company of South Korea


    The file is about 50 pages.

    The file contains analyzation of below.

    1. List of 27 LBP companies in South Korea
    2. Governance of each company
    3. Business history related to the microbiome of each company
    4. Financial status of each company (Revenue, Profit, etc.)
    5. Microbiome pipeline of each company


      Intra Clinic Consulting

      +82 (2) 6204 0470

      Gangnam-gu, Bongeunsa-ro 524, Intercontinental Seoul, Sparkplu Coex

      Seoul, South Korea, 06164

      사업자등록번호ㅣ647 37 00770  대표자ㅣ김나래

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